
Socket Enchant


Socketovani je vlastne snaha o vytvoreni slotu (na karty) do stavajiciho equipu. Slotovat muzete jen urcite vybaveni, pricemz jejich cena a uspesnost zavisi na skupine, do ktere je vybava zarazena.

Typ Uspesnost
C 25%
B 20%
A 20%
S 10%

Uspesnost slotovani se u novych NPC vyse uvedenou tabulkou neridi presne. (Zmeny jsou uvedene v tabulkach nize.)
Stejne jako plusovanim equipu (Elunium, Oridecon), jsou ztraceny veskere penize, material a upgradovany equip.
Nektery equip samotnym naslotovanim ztrati urcite vlastnosti, oproti equipu, ktery jeste nebyl naslotovan.

  • Crown[1] a Tiara[1] pridavaji pouze 1 k INT (pred slotovanim daji 2)
  • Ice Pick[1] ma Attack snizeny z 80 na 70
  • Brooch, Earring a Ring ztraci 1 stat

Umisteni NPC

  • Prontera Upgrade Shop (prt_in) 33, 70
  • Lighthalzen Equipment Shop (lhz_in02) 281,35
  • Payon (payon) 140, 151
  • Morroc (morocc) 51, 42

Nova NPC na slotovani, ktera byla pridana k dosavadnim:

  • Prontera 244, 169
  • Payon 236, 199
  • Morroc Ruins 154, 86
  • Lighthalzen 96, 137

Slotovatelna vybava + ceny


Typ C
Zakladni zbran Cena Potrebne veci Finalni zbran
Trident[2] 200,000 10 Phracon Trident[3]
Rope[3] 200,000 10 Phracon Rope[4]
Violin[3] 200,000 10 Phracon Violin[4]

U noveho NPC

Typ B
Zakladni zbran Cena Potrebne veci Finalni zbran
Chain[2] 300,000 10 Phracon Chain[3]
Gladius[2] 300,000 1 Oridecon, 5 Steel Gladius[3]
Gakkung[1] 300,000 2 Oridecon, 5 Steel Gakkung[2]
Pike[3] 200,000 10 Phracon Pike[4]
Haedonggun[1] 300,000 2 Oridecon, 5 Steel Haedonggun[2]
Lute[2] 300,000 10 Emveretarcon Lute[3]
Wire Whip[2] 300,000 10 Emveretarcon Wire Whip[3]
Waghnak[3] 300,000 10 Phracon Waghnak[4]
Arbalest[1] 300,000 2 Oridecon, 5 Steel Arbalest[2]

U noveho NPC

Zakladni zbran Cena Potrebne veci Finalni zbran Uspesnost
Orcish Axe 200,000 1 Oridecon Orcish Axe[4] 25%
Scimitar 200,000 1 Oridecon Scimitar[3] 25%
Spike 200,000 1 Oridecon Spike[2] 20%

Typ A
Typ S
Zakladni zbran Cena Potrebne veci Finalni zbran
Gungnir 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Gungnir[2]
Poison Knife 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Poison Knife[2]
Ice Pick 2,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Ice Pick[1]
Sucsamad 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Sucsamad[1]
Ginnungagap 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Ginnungagap[1]
Cutlas 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Cutlas[1]
Crescent Scythe 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Crescent Scythe[1]
(Dex) Survivor's Rod 2,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel (Dex) Survivor's Rod[1]

U noveho NPC:

Zakladni zbran Cena Potrebne veci Finalni zbran
Zephyrus 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Zephyrus[3]
Mailbreaker 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Mailbreaker[3]
Dragon Slayer 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Dragon Slayer[2]
Swordbreaker 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Swordbreaker[3]
Assassin Dagger 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Assassin Dagger[1]
Grand Cross 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Grand Cross[1]
Executioner 1,000,000 5 Oridecon, 10 Steel Executioner[1]


Typ C
Zakladni armor Cena Potrebne veci Finalni armor
Mantle 200,000 3 Steel Mantle[1]
Coat 200,000 3 Steel Coat[1]
Circlet 200,000 3 Steel Circlet[1]
Biretta 200,000 3 Steel Biretta[1]

U noveho NPC:

Zakladni armor Cena Potrebne veci Finalni armor
Sunflower 100,000 3 Steel Sunflower [1]
Ph.D Hat 100,000 3 Steel Ph.D Hat[1]
Big Ribbon 100,000 5 Steel Big Ribbon[1]
Boys Cap 100,000 5 Steel Boys Cap[1]

Typ B
Zakladni armor Cena Potrebne veci Finalni armor
Mirror Shield 250,000 5 Steel Mirror Shield[1]
Chain Mail 250,000 5 Steel Chain Mail[1]
Saint's Robe 300,000 5 Steel Saint's Robe[1]
Silk Robe 300,000 5 Steel Silk Robe[1]
Boots 300,000 5 Steel Boots[1]
Shoes 300,000 5 Steel Shoes[1]
Muffler 300,000 5 Steel Muffler[1]
Guard 300,000 5 Steel Guard[1]
Buckler 300,000 5 Steel Buckler[1]
Shield 250,000 5 Steel Shield[1]
Bongun Hat 250,000 5 Steel Bongun Hat[1]

U noveho NPC:

Zakladni armor Cena Potrebne veci Finalni armor
Skull Ring 300,000 5 Steel Skull Ring[1]
High Heels 300,000 5 Steel High Heels[1]

Typ A
Typ S
Zakladni armor Cena Potrebne veci Finalni armor
Majestic Goat 2,000,000 2 Elunium Majestic Goat[1]
Spiky Band 2,000,000 2 Elunium Spiky Band[1]
Bone Helm 2,000,000 2 Elunium Bone Helm[1]
Corsair 2,000,000 2 Elunium Corsair[1]
Crown 2,000,000 2 Elunium Crown[1]
Tiara 2,000,000 2 Elunium Tiara[1]
Sphinx Hat 1 000,000 2 Elunium Sphinx Hat[1]
Robe of Cast 1,000,000 2 Elunium Robe of Cast[1]
Earring 1,000,000 2 Elunium Earring[1]
Ring 1,000,000 2 Elunium Ring[1]
Bow Thimble 1,000,000 2 Elunium Bow Thimble[1]

U noveho NPC

Zakladni armor Cena Potrebne veci Finalni armor Uspesnost
Mage Coat 1,000,000 1 Elunium Mage Coat[1] 10%
Holy Robe 1,000,000 1 Elunium Holy Robe[1] 5%
Sacred Mission 1,000,000 1 Elunium Sacred Mission[1] 5%
Undershirt 1,000,000 1 Elunium Undershirt[1] 5%
Pantie 1,000,000 1 Elunium Pantie[1] 5%


U noveho NPC

Zakladni armor Cena Potrebne veci Finalni armor Uspesnost
Hat of the Sun God 200,000,000 2 Gold Hat of the Sun God [1] 90%


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