Pisatele svitku

Co ziskate: schopnost pisat rozne magicke svitky

Jak dlouho to bude trvat: pokud chcete ty nej, tak dlouho :-)

Ako sa stat novym pisarom:
V Yune v pravo hore natrafite na NPC Svata Svitek. Pokial sa chcete stat novym pisatelom, bude po vas chciet tieto veci:

  • Ph.D Hat
  • 10x Blue Feather
  • 10x Red Feather
  • 100x Peco Peco Feather
  • 100x Worn Out Page
  • 50x Sharp Paper
  • 10x Blank Scroll
  • 10x Lahvicka s magickym inkoustem
  • Jednu zo styroch zakladnych elementalnych knih

Magicky inkoust mozete ziskat u NPC Inkoustak ktory stoji hned vedla. Na 50 flasticiek potrebujete:

  • 50x Empty Potion Bottle
  • 5x Holy Water
  • 10x Squid Ink
  • 1x Black Dyestuff
  • 1x Cobaltblue Dyestuff

Ako vam rastie skill, postupne viete vyrabat stale viac a lepsich zvitkov

Zakladni material pro vyrobu kazdeho svitku jsou 1xBlank Scroll a 1xLahvicka s magickym inkoustem.

Nazev svitku (lvl 1) Skill Cena (zeny) Dalsi potrebne suroviny
Level 1 Fire Ball - - 2x Peco Peco Feather
5x Worn Out Page
Level 1 Fire Wall 10 20.000 7x Peco Peco Feather
5x Oil Paper
1x Red Blood
Level 1 Teleport 20 40.000 10x Peco Peco Feather
3x Slick Paper
4x Powder of Butterfly
Level 1 Frost Diver 30 60.000 10x Peco Peco Feather
10x Slick Paper
1x Crystal Blue
Nazev svitku (lvl 3) Skill Cena (zeny) Potrebne suroviny
Level 3 Earth Spike 40 80.000 5x Harpy Feather
2x Oil Paper
1x Green Live
Level 3 Soul Strike 50 100.000 10x Harpy Feather
10x Worn Out Page
Level 3 Cold Bolt 60 120.000 10x Harpy Feather
10x Slick Paper
2x Anolian Skin
Level 3 Lightening Bolt 70 140.000 5x Harpy Feather
10x Slick Paper
2x Moth Dust
Level 3 Fire Bolt 80 160.000 10x Harpy Feather
10x Worn Out Page
5x Nipper
Level 3 Heal 90 180.000 7x Harpy Feather
7x Worn Out Page
2x Red Herb
Nazev svitku (lvl 5) Skill Cena (zeny) Potrebne suroviny
Level 5 Soul Strike 100 200.000 10x Feather of Birds
8x Worn Out Page
1x Star Dust
Level 5 Lightening Bolt 110 220.000 10x Feather of Birds
13x Worn Out Page
2x Prickly Fruit
Level 5 Heal 120 240.000 11x Feather of Birds
13x Worn Out Page
1x White Potion
Level 5 Frost Diver 130 260.000 15x Feather of Birds
5x Slick Paper
5x Snail's Shell
Level 5 Fire Wall 140 280.000 9x Feather of Birds
10x Slick Paper
20x Fire Arrow
Level 5 Fire Bolt 150 300.000 9x Feather of Birds
10x Slick Paper
5x Burning Heart
Level 5 Fire Ball 160 320.000 14x Feather of Birds
7x Slick Paper
3x Ancient Lips
Level 5 Earth Spike 170 340.000 16x Feather of Birds
8x Slick Paper
7x Earthworm Peeling
Level 5 Cold Bolt 180 360.000 16x Feather of Birds
8x Slick Paper
1x Ice Heart
Level 5 Aspersio 190 380.000 1x Bloody Page
2x Soft Feather
20x Holly Arrow
Level 5 Adrenaline Rush 200 400.000 2x Bloody Page
2x Soft Feather
3x Panacea
Level 5 Assumptio 210 400.000 3x Bloody Page
3x Soft Feather
3x Steel
Nazev svitku (ostatní) Skill Cena (zeny) Potrebne suroviny
Level 10 Blessing 220 400.000 5x Bloody Page
15x Soft Feather
15x Crest Piece ID 7357
Level 10 Increase Agility 230 400.000 6x Bloody Page
16x Soft Feather
16x Crest Piece ID 7359
Repair Weapon 240 400.000 4x Bloody Page
10x Soft Feather
10x Old Pick
Level 10 Wind Walk 250 400.000 7x Bloody Page
7x Soft Feather
10x Crest Piece ID 7358
Quagmire 260 400.000 8x Bloody Page
8x Soft Feather
8x Panacea
Chemical Protection Helm 270 400.000 4x Worn-out Magic Scroll
4x Blue Feather
40x White Mask
Chemical Protection Shield 280 400.000 4x Worn-out Magic Scroll
4x Red Feather
40x Reins
Chemical Protection Armor 290 400.000 5x Worn-out Magic Scroll
5x Red Feather
50x Destroyed Armor
Chemical Protection Weapon 300 400.000 5x Worn-out Magic Scroll
5x Blue Feather
50x Old Pick

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