Kagerou prestupovy quest
- Z povolání: Ninja
- Minimální base/job lvl: 99/70
- Místo přestupu: Amatsu, Ninja Guilda
- Jak dlouho to zabere?: Dle stesti.
- Vratte se do Amatsua vydejte se do Ninja guildy.
- Az budete vchazet do utajene casti guildy zaslechnete konverzaci.
- Najdete Wall with a drawing v hlavni casti Ninja guildy.(Za Armor Craftmanem)
- Zvolte moznost: „Touch the drawing with your hand“
- Dostanete se do nove mistnosti kde najdete stareho muze (Old man)
- Promluvte si s nim a pokracujte dokud nesouhlasi ze Vas bude ucit.
- Po te budete teleportovani do Amatsu. Vratte se za starým muzem a zeptejte se ho na jeho 4 testy.
- Promluvte si s nim znovu dostanete na vyber ze 3 testu:
Test Znalostí
- Butete poslani do mistnosti s Ninja instruktorem Cougarem, zepta se Vas na deset otazek.Aby jste prosli musite alepson 9x odpovedet spravne.
- Seznam moznych otazek a odpovedi:
- What is the attack effect for Haze Slasher level 4? 140%
- How many hits does a Throw Kunai give to a monster? 3 times
- Which of the following correctly matches material needed to make a Icicle Kunai? 8 Nimbus Shuriken, 2 Ice Stones
- You are creating a weapon for huge monsters. What is the best card to use? Minorous Card
- What is the basic attack range for Throw Shuriken? 9 Blocks
- What is not the effect you get after reaching the STR status? Magic attack increase
- What is not the effect you get after reaching the AGI status? Accuracy increase
- What is not the effect you get after reaching the VIT status? Attack increase
- What is not the effect you get after reaching the INT status? Staff attack increase
- What is not the effect you get after reaching the DEX status? Evasion increase
- What is not the effect you get after reaching the LUK status? Accuracy increase
- How much money is used for Throw Coins level 6? 3000 ~ 6000
- Which of the following Kunai will give the most damage to the ground property monster, Porcellio? Heat Wave Kunai
- How long is the effect time for the Watery Evasion level 7 skill? 45 seconds
- What is the attack range when you master Flip Tatami? 3
- What is the maximum moving range of Shadow Leap? 9
- What weapon cannot be made by the blacksmith Khaibara? Huuma Wing Shuriken
- What level do you have to be in Dagger Throwing Practice in order to learn the Throw Coins skill? 10
- Which of the following is not an effect of the Watery Evasion skill? VIT decrease
- What is the highest job level for a Ninja? 70
- What is the property of the Lightning Jolt? Wind
- How much does STR/INT go up when Ninja Aura level 5 is used? 5
- What is the maximum hit number for Blaze Shield level 10? 9
- You are creating a weapon for mid-sized monsters. What is the best card to use? Skel Worker Card
- When your First Wind is at level 4, what will go with the MATK and range? MATK 500, 8 blocks
- You need a catalyst to use ninja skills. Which of the following skills does not need a catalyst? Flaming Petals
- Which of the following blacksmiths do not create Ninja items? Aiku
- What is the attack range for the Exploding Dragon? 5×5 cell
- How many skill points do you need to master the Throw Coins skill? 35
- Which of the following skills can't you learn at Dagger Throwing Practice level 7? Throw Coins
- If Dagger Throwing Practice is at 7, how much ATK is added to Shuriken attacks? 21
- Which NPC promotes you? Valkyrie
- How much power is in the Huuma Blaze Shuriken weapon? Fireball 5, DEX -2
- How many skill points do you need to master the Cicada Skin Shed? 5
- You are hunting the Orc Warrior. Which Kunai would you use? Heat Wave Kunai
- Which of the following is the best skill to use when attacking a ground property enemy? ' Exploding Dragon
- How do Ninjas get promoted? None
- What is the name of the suspicious man you can meet during the Ninja job change quest? Red Leopard Joe
- Which Ninja Mastery skill level do you need to learn the Exploding Dragon skill? 10
- What is the level of Dagger Throwing Practice you have to reach to learn the Killing Strike skill? 7
- Which catalyst do you need to use the Blaze Shield skill? Flame Stone
- Which of the following is the correct number of Evasion and effect duration for Mirror Image level 10? Up to 5 and 240 seconds
- Which of the following matches are incorrect for skill and property? Freezing Spear-Ground
- How much power is in the Murasame weapon? Human critical +10
- Which village is the Ninja Guild located in? Amatsu
- You are creating a weapon for small monsters. What is the best card to use? Desert Wolf Card
- What is the most important aspect of increasing ATK for the Killing Strike skill? Max HP
- You need to equip a card to your shoes to enhance Killing Strike attack. Which of the following is the appropriate card to equip? Matyr Card
- What was next to me when you first met me? A brazier
- What is the DEX + LUK total for a Job Master? 10
Test preziti
- Jde o velkou deskovou hru -stejne jako v kazde „deskovce“ budete hazet kostkou, a posunete se o stanoveny pocet policek.Na policku Vas muze a nemusi cekat specificky oznam/pokyn podle ktereho se budete ridit.Nebo si budete moci vybrat z nabizenych moznosti.
- Mate 100LP (Life Points=Body zivota) kazdy hod kostkou stoji 1LP. Ukolem „hry“ je dostat se na 40 herni policko s nenulovým poctem LP.
- Behem hry se muzete dostat na policka kde muzete hrat kamen nuzky papir - dle vysledku muzete byt nuceni cekat urcenou dobu, hodit kostkou nebo zaplatit urcity pocet LP za pruchod - pripadne zda vas hra posle zpet.Pokud budete mit stesti muzete ziskat i bonusove LP.
Zde najdete popis policek hraci plochy
Casem to nekdo prepise/prelozi -tet nemam cas a chut se nervovat s nesmyslnym slucovanim bunek tabulky na nasi wiky, pokud ma dana tabulka vetsi velikost.
Test Zbrojířství
- Tento test se sklada ze 3 castí v prvni budete tavit material ve druhe kovat, kalit a brousit sve vytvory a ve treti vyzkousite sve stesti s upgradem na +7.
- Znovu si pokecejte i s Cougarem:
- A nezapomente na Red Leopard Joa.
Prvni cast:
- Musite roztavit Iron ore , Iron, Steel, Rought Oridecon nebo Elunium pripadne pharacon v nektere z 3 „peci“. Materiali muzete libovlne kombinovat anebo tavit jednotive.Nemuzete pokracovat dal pokud neni pec plna.
- Na jendu varku potrebujete:
- cca 20 kusu Iron Ore na 1 zbran.
- 10 kusuIron na 1 zbran.
- 7 kusu Ocele na 1 zbran.
- 7 kusu Rought Oridecon 1 zbran.
- 7 kusu Rought Elunium 1 zbran.
- 20 kusu pharaconu 1 zbran.
Druha cast:
- Niní je cas na trochu kovariny a dalsiho spracovani. Nejdriv se Vas zepta co chcete vytvorit, zda Kuani nebo Huumu.
- Pote nasleduje kaleni a brouseni -v dialogu si zvolite jak moc chcete Vas vytvor zakalit a nabrousit.
- Pokud se Vam tato cast nepovede vracite se k taveni materialu.
Treti cast
- Zde Vas ceka rafinace, musi se Vám to povest min na +7 jinak Vam to Red Panther Joe neuzna.
Bojový test (zaver)
- Zaverecny test je hodne podobny jinym prestupovim questum. Musite najit mostrum „Rodinne tajemsvi“ mezi desitkami podobne pojmenovanych porvor -hodne stesti
- Pokud se Vam to povede staci si promluvit s instruktorem Gionem.
Gratuluji mate to za sebou — Alulim 2013/09/11 13:00