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  • Typ: aktivní
  • Maximální level: 1
  • Spotřeba SP: 10
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  • Doba vyvolání: instantní
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  • Spotřeba předmětů: viz níže
  • Popis: Promění sadu předmětů na jiný předmět. Na rozdíl od dalších podobných skillů nepotřebujete žádný manuál. Hráč vybere libovolnou kombinaci předmětů ze svého inventáře a v případě úspěchu získá výsledný item. Položky by neměly zmizet, pokud netrefíte správnou kombinaci. U některých správných kombinací existuje malá šance na nezdar a spotřebování původních ingrediencí.

Spotřeba předmětů

Výsledek Materiály
8 Phracon 40 Spawn, 40 Glass Bead
5 Detrimindexta 40 Chrysalis, 10 Clam Flesh
7 Detonator 45 Manacles, 5 Feather of Birds
4 Maneater Root 25 Talon, 20 Zenorc's Fang
4~6 Mixture 15 Venom Canine, 30 Powder of Butterfly
8 Grit 35 Crystal Mirror, 50 Mantis Scythe
2 Witch Starsand 10 Insect Feeler, 15 Chung Jah
4 Hinalle 45 Bouquet, 40 Mole Whiskers
1 Coal 1 Guard
10 Steel 1 Tsurugi [1]
2 Soft Silk 10 Fabric
5 Fabric 2 Soft Silk
1 Cigarette 1 Orcish Axe
1 Wind of Vendure 100 Ice Cubic
5 Heroic Emblem 5 Tree Root, 45 Mole Claw
2 Tiger's Footskin 5 Pointed Scale, 35 China
6 Necklase of Oblivion 25 Raccoon Doll, 50 Moth Dust
8 Reins 30 Chonchon doll, 50 Puppet
4 Hand of God 10 Scorpion Tail, 30 Jack o Pumpkin
9 Alcohol 50 Orcish Voucher, 40 Skel-Bone
1~3 Soft Feather 30 Feather, 30 Feather of Birds
4 Counteragent 15 Evil Horn, 30 Memento
1 Little Evil Horn 5 Stone Heart, 10 Resin
5 Scorpion Nipper 40 Worm Peeling, 5 Yoyo Doll
8 Cultish Masque 45 Grasshopper's Leg, 35 Yoyo Tail
4~6 Black Hair 40 Pencil Case, 5 Tiger Skin
3 Lantern 10 Solid Shell, 30 Maneater's Blossom
4 Acorn 30 Cactus Needle, 10 Snail's Shell
9 Horrendous Mouth 45 Stem, 45 Dragon Scale
8~12 Elder Pixie's Moustache 35 Bee Sting, 45 Little Evil Wing
3 Frill 20 Snake Scale, 15 Karvodailnirol
4 Squid Ink 20 Bear's Footskin, 25 Black Laddle
8 Cobweb 50 Fin, 35 Horrendous Hair
2 Trunk 10 Rotten Bandage, 10 Single Cell
4~6 Tentacle 40 Decayed Nail, 5 Mane
9~13 Rainbow Shell 50 Horn, 45 Zargon
5 Moth Wings 20 Frozen Rose, 30 Reptile Tongue
6~9 Nipper 25 Sticky Mucus, 45 Eathworm Peeling
4 Turtle Shell 5 Fluff, 40 Poring Doll
6 Orc Claw 50 Raccoon Leaf, 10 Garlet
8~12 Dragon Canine 50 Osiris Doll, 35 Sticky Webfoot
6 Skirt of Virgin 30 Scale Shell, 35 Dead Medusa
6 Dragon Tail 25 Tooth of Bath, 35 Fang
4 Dokebi Horn 15 Shining Scale, 25 Ancient Lips
2~3 Nine Tails 10 Animal Skin, 15 Rouge
15 Blue Hair 45 Jellopy, 20 Wedding Bouquet
4~6 Ant Jaw 20 Spore Doll, 20 Witherless Rose
8 Crab Shell 50 Baphomet Doll, 30 Fish Tail
3 Tendon 25 Orc's Fang, 5 Feather
6~9 Ancient Tooth 35 Bill of Birds, 30 Fabric
7~10 Rat Tail 35 Mushroom Spore, 40 Golden Hair
1 Witch Starsand 100 Moth Dust, 100 Scell
1~3 Crystal Blue 100 Wolf Claw
7 Stinky Scale 20 Shell, 50 Tongue
3 Sharp Scale 10 Horseshoe, 20 Clam Shell
1 Evil Bone Wand 100 Clattering Skull, 100 Broken Farming Utensil
6 Bug Leg 20 Wolf Claw, 45 Scell
3 Conch 5 Gill, 25 Immortal Heart
4 Emveretarcon 5 Heart of Mermaid, 40 Rocker Doll
10 Throwing Increase HP Potion (Small) 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 HP Increase Potion (Small)
10 Throwing Increase HP Potion (Medium) 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 HP Increase Potion (Medium)
10 Throwing Increase HP Potion (Large) 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 HP Increase Potion (Large)
10 Throwing Increase SP Potion (Small) 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 SP Increase Potion (Small)
10 Throwing Increase SP Potion (Medium) 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 SP Increase Potion (Medium)
10 Throwing Increase SP Potion (Large) 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 SP Increase Potion (Large)
10 Throwing Ceromain Soup 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 Concentrated Ceromain Soup
10 Throwing Vitata500 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 Vitata500
10 Throwing Concentrated White Potion(Z) 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 Concentrated White Potion(Z)
10 Throwing Full Swing(K) 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 Elastic Band, 10 Full Swing(K)
10 Throwing Cure Free 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 Elastic Band, 10 Landscape Cure
10 Throwing Manaplus 10 Empty Potion Bottle, 10 Elastic Band, 10 Manaplus


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